

What Type Of Bar Are You Looking For?


Protein Bars Fiber Bars Energy Bars All Bars


What Is Your Desired Amount Of Fiber Per Bar?


10-15g Over 15g No Preference


What is Your Desired Amount Of Protein Per Bar?


Up to 20g Over 20g No Preference


Do You Have A Dietary Preference?


GMO Free Gluten-Free Soy-Free Kosher Organic Dairy-Free Vegan No Preference


What Flavor Do You Like?


Vanilla Chocolate Fruit Cookies & Cream Nuts Mint Cinnamon No Preference


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Your nutrition is important to you, but trust us, we understand- you’re always on the go. Maybe you are training and require an energy or protein boost. Maybe you need to support the balance of your glucose levels to a healthy place. Whatever your reasons are, PureFormulas has all the nutrition bars you require. Protein bars, meal bars, energy bars, gluco-support bars can all be found on our website at affordable prices.

We try to find bars that don’t skimp on nutrition or taste. We’ve always believed that your nutrition bar should be enjoyable as well as helpful to your body.

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