Mushroom Wisdom-manufacturer
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Mushroom Wisdom

About Mushroom Wisdom

Mushroom Wisdom isn’t a 1960s psychedelic album: instead, it’s an innovative producer of mushroom-based supplements. Like other natural plants and vegetables, mushrooms include many beneficial health properties. PureFormulas carries over 20 Mushroom Wisdom supplements to give your body a boost. Choose from liquids, tea, tablets, or creams to fit your lifestyle. Before heading to the doctor’s office, you may want to try these alternative medicines. We encourage all-natural healing processes to reduce toxins in our bodies. For example, Aquamella cream is an “East-meets-West” skincare treatment that combines traditional Asian ingredients like tremella and pearl with antioxidants such as Coenzyme Q10 and Alpha Lipoic Acid. You can also add Mai Green Tea to your daily routine. This tea contains Maitake mushrooms, Matcha tea leaves and a relaxing aroma to rejuvenate your body and mind. Maitake mushroom vitamins and teas have been used by the Japanese for thousands of years. Meanwhile, choose a Mushroom Wisdom vegetable extract supplement to complement your meat-free diet.